Monday, June 13, 2011

Over a Barrel = Next Game = Updates

Greetings All!

We had a good development week for our next game, Over a Barrel! Imagine a game with adventure, strategic investing, timing, and keel-hauling all in one! (Well, maybe not exactly keel-hauling). Sounds pretty exciting doesn't it!

It is! But it can be very difficult to combine all of these elements into one game. The graphical representation of all the different information on the board has at times been tedious to accomplish, but this aspect of game development is incredibly important. Your artist may not understand the game play, so it is imperative that the designer or publisher devote a great amount of scrutiny to how the elements, rules, and player options are represented on the board.

Our efforts to perfect the board for Over a Barrel have been the main topic of discussion over the past week and we are pleased that progress is being made. In addition, we are nearing completion of several play test copies of the game, which we hope to send out in July. Let us know if you are interested in play testing!

We think Over a Barrel will be a hit, so get in on this one at sea level!

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