Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Grande Evening!

This past week I sat down for a rousing evening of El Grande with my wonderful wife. She provided the milk and cookies, I provided the game set-up.

Pictured (Left to right): Milk Castillo, Actual Castillo, Salt Castillo

I will confess that on this occasion I won the game using a tried and true strategy: pull out a game that she has not played in at least six months and exploit my superior knowledge of the rules. I bet that if we played again tonight she would probably whoop me.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Card Games by Dennis

I would like to take a moment to announce the beginning of a side project that I have just begun, entitled "Card Games by Dennis," in which I hope to post a new card game every week or two weeks that is playable with regular decks of cards. Go to this link to see the first game!