Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Lot Going On

So between Job Searching, finishing my graduate work, and getting ready for the release of my game Drop Site, I have not found a lot of time to write posts, but there are plans in store for you...

Yes! Plans...

Drop Site will ship from Europe next week to the States. This means I have to be ready to Sell it when it gets here!

Problem is, we are also getting ready to move (to wherever I am able to find a job).

In other words, I don't have a release date yet, but I am aiming for mid-June officially.

Are you wondering: "WHERE CAN I GET A COPY?"?

Good news! You will be able to order a copy Online from our Website...which is not up and running YET, but will be...(again) I hope by mid-June.

But what about PINEBARS?

Good news again! I have a back-log of blog post ideas just waiting to be written. These will begin to appear either HERE (at or at our Website (URL withheld for now).

In the meantime, are you looking for more board game news? Check out Erik Arneson's board game newsletter. It comes out about every week and has some good board game info.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you are looking for boardgame news... check out the Associated Gamers!


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