Saturday, February 5, 2011

Workers, Select Your Meeting Agenda

Its better than sliced bread, its...being able to design your own meeting agendas. 

Just one of the perks of working for Residence Life at a major University.

I love making my own agendas,simply because there are so many different ways you can make them fun. Take for example the agenda I made this week for a committee I head (see top picture).

Instead of using an arbitrary order, I let the committee members decide.

Everyone received an agenda, and I put one in the middle of the table. I also gave everyone a meeple, with which to select the next agenda topic. 

On the "board" (the agenda in the middle) were shaded boxes that represented a possible selection. We went around the table and each member chose what topic to discuss by placing their meeple on the board.

The response was fantastic!

Not only did everyone enjoy having a voice in the topic selection, they also got a kick out of using the game pieces! 

I highly recommend using this "game" at your next meeting. You might just find that your "workers" select a better agenda priority than you!


  1. I wonder if something like this could be used for project planning. I work at a software company where there are often competing priorities. Hmmmm.

  2. HazMatt,

    Thanks for the comment. I'm sure there are ways you could adapt this for your needs. The design I discussed is relatively basic and there could be significant ways to expand the idea.

    I'd love to hear about anything you come up with.



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