Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Highest low experiment revival?

(The end) The summer is almost officially over. A winner to my highest-low experiment has been announced (She won with 1 pt, meaning she did everything once and one thing twice), and I am feeling very blaise about the whole thing. I'm not too disappointed it didn't work better, I just want to make sure it didn't work for the wrong reasons.

(Enter the opportunity) I left up my scoring chart in the office I was working out of over the summer because I thought, "well who knows, maybe I could get the new fall staff to participate." This happens to be a pretty realistic thought. The fall staffs spend a lot more time together, meet on a more regular basis, and in general care more about work. I talked with their supervisor and explained the concept and had her "intrigued," which is the easy part, but which opens the door for the possibility.

(Question mark) Will the new supervisor be able to come up with the right set of catagories to make the game work? If the game works because the people involved are more work-oriented does that make the game irrelevant? Is it worth the risk? (Risk?)
